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A play on words describing anyone on the left as members of the Luftwaffe, used by right-wing bootlickers to describe anyone who asks questions of the United Kingdom's Conservative Government, in an attempt to sound intelligent and original.

Sensible person: I'm not sure why people seem to think the government is doing a good job handling this pandemic. They entered lockdown far too late and it was far too lenient, they're lifting lockdown far too early, and we have the 2nd-highest death toll in the world. Their last round of advice was even officially ignored by the governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the local authorities in Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle.

Bootlicker: OMG why can't you get behind are Boris and show your support!!1! He's doing the best he can in difficult circumstances! Can yo imagine if someone else was in charge? In times like trhese we need vlind loyalty to the government, not criticism! Grow up, leftwaffe.

by Elfuegocabeza June 3, 2020

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