Source Code

Impotent Rojerk

Main Entry: Impotent Rojerk
Pronunciation: 'im-p&-t&nt 'rรƒยค-j&rk
Function: noun
1 : person unable to have sexual intercourse because of erectile dysfunction; broadly : STERILE

"How was sex with your man last night?"
"Who? You mean, Impotent Rojerk? He couldn't even get his equipment up."
"Dang, Viagara at age 22. How could he bear the shame!?"

by Ellie Sah April 21, 2005

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Main Entry: J.S.
Function: verb
1 : to do Jack Shit
2 a : to be idle b : to waste time c: to do nothing productive

Hey Jeff, let's J.S.
Ah, quality J.S.ing time.
I and Shosha J.S.ed all day today.

by Ellie Sah April 21, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž