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There are many definitions of greebo, I will run through all of them, I am not saying which ones are nessesarily right or wrong, thats for you too decide:

Greebo's are into any style of music from rock 'n' roll to metal to indie. They are generally found in Cardiff, Leeds and St Albans. The term greebo is used all over to describe anyone from an emo to a goth to an indie kid. By what I've heard from most people, they dont exist in Ireland or Scotland, only in England and Wales. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The term 'Greebo' originally stood for 'Greasy Boy' as greebo's used to be associated with not washing there hair often. Greebos generally have long, unbrushed hair which is un-dyed and un-gelled.

Greebo boys wear baggy clothes such as jeans and combat trousers. Sometimes a checkered or studded belt is added. A 'Greebo Chain' is the most recognisable thing about a greebo. A Greebo Chain is a chain worn from one belt loop on the side of a pair of jeans to another belt loop. It is let too hang down as low as possible. These are often used to keep there wallets being stolen by Chavs by attatching it too the wallet. A skate brand t-shirt - baggy - and any shoes from skate shoes to nike too DM boots. Sometimes beanie hat too.

True greebo girls dress similarly too the boys. They wear baggy jeans and similar shoes. Girls often wear Vans shoes, not the slip ons on skate shoes, just the normal trainers. They wear boys t-shirts because they are more baggy.

The more often girls who 'claim' to be greebo are more likely to be seen dressed in regular clothes. Ugg boots and tight jeans. Waistcoats and dress shirts. Similar to late mod style meets skater.

Greebo's cant skate. They try and fail or are just not good enough to skate with the skate crowd. Yet they often hang around with skaters and BMX or Mountain Bike. Some people describe greebos as skaters who cant skate. This is partly true. If you are a greebo who skates, your not a greebo, your a skater. That is the fine line. Greebo's are similar too moshers too. They look similar and like similar music and hobbys.

Greebos are not emo! Greebo's will never wear a more than one or two black items at once. Greebo's will never wear tight clothing. Baggy. That is greeno. Tight? That is emo and occasionally indie kid.

Greebo's hate chavs. They are at a constant war with each other. Greebos will refer to chavs as 'Chavscum' and chavs will refer to greebos as 'Dirty Greebos'. Although greebos are often seen as trouble makers and look threatning, they are not. A greebo will never start a fight and will avoid one at almost all costs. Chavs are often seen as the victims because they will run home too there rich mummys and daddys crying about how the greebo hit them when it is always the chav starting the fight. ALWAYS!

The hoodie. The most important thing about greebos. A TRUE GREEBO WILL NEVER BE SEEN WITHOUT HIS OR HER HOODIE!! A baggy hoodie is what defines a greebo! Never white! And never tight!

Greebo brands are; Fender, Dubster, Quicksilver, Oakley, British Knights, Vans, Plain Lazy, No Fear and H&M. The main ones being British Knights, Quicksilver and Dubster because they are big in size and cheap. For the slightly richer people there is Vans, H&M and Oakley. They are more expensive and tighter fitting but are also seen being worn by greebos.

Greebos are into all sorts of bands. Underground, mainstream or stadium-fillers. Greebos aren't fussy. Some popular greebo bands are; Green Day, RHCP, Nirvana, Kasier Chiefs, Arctic Monkeys, Avenged Sevenfold, Blur, Oasis and Guns 'n' Roses.

Unlike hardcore indie kids and punks, greebos arent fussed about bands selling out. If a band is good, a band is good. Whether other people think that or not does not change the band. In fact, when some bands sell out, they actually become better than before. Take Green Day, a LOT of people hated American Idiot and said they had sold out. This is an extremely popular greebo album. I am not saying all greebos agree with this but from what ive heard, thats the general idea.

Greebos are not at war with emos. This is sometimes the thought that is broadcasted but they manage too live with each other quite happily... well, as happy as an emo can be I suppose. A greebo who cuts themself is not a greebo. They are chucked out of the group of greebos amd are rarely let back in unless they grovel, A LOT!! This generally means they become emos and then move on after realising what an extremely stupid idea it is too cut yourself. Some become punks or moshers or skaters. it is unlikely they will become a goth, metal head or indie kid, but everything is possible.

Greebo is, in some places, spelt with one O. No-body knows why, it just is.

Greebos will generally not like a greebo who has left them for another genre, even for a small amount of time and if they were never really great mates in the first place. It is a commitment to be a greebo, it is not a god idea to cut yourself or leave for another group, they will hate you forever. Some get forgiven and are allowed to return but this is unlikely. If the leader of a greebo clan changes genre, sometimes the other members will follow. If not, someone else will become one.

Greebo leaders are not actually verbally said, it just kind of happens. If you are in a greebo clan and often find yourself as the center of attention by a lot of the group and when you walk somewhere, without saying anything the others will follow, this means your a leader. Being a leader does not mean you rule on high!! It just means you have minor power over what the clan decide to do. Like for instance, if you said 'Lets go to town today', others would generally come. Unlike if you said 'Gather together all your money together, we're going on a camping holiday and there's nothing you can do about it'. Nothings gonna happen and they will probably be annoyed with you for saying it. natural consequences.

If your wondering, a clan is a group of greebos. Generally high in numbers because safety is in numbers against chavs. Anything from 8 people upwards is a clan.

I think thats about it apart from there is practically no posers in greebo. There just isnt any. Anyone who wants to be a greebo or join a clan is accepted. Unless there a chav or bully obviously. Whether someone is a geek or not does not decide whether they are in a clan or not. Geeks are widely accepted.

The only last thing is drugs. A lot of greebos smoke and drink. Cannabis is also often used. My advice is dont get involved with any of it apart from the odd pint for fun! Only joking! DON'T DO ANY DRUGS OR DRINK AND DON'T SMOKE!!! AT ALL!!! EVER!!! YOU ARE NOT A CHAV!!!

Chav: Fucking dirty greebo! Cut your hair you greasy twat!
Greebo: Excuse me, ive got to go...
Walks away
Chav: Yeah thats it blud, run off, wasteman!
Greebo quietly: Chavscum!!

by Elliot XTC March 19, 2008

6👍 6👎

scene kid

Scene kid is another word for emo. They are scum. Need I say more?

Scene Kid: Hey, I enjoy cutting myself for no reason too, hey you cut yourself, your an emo/scenekid too!
Normal person: I fell of my bike. Fuck off.


by Elliot XTC March 19, 2008

6👍 11👎