Source Code


A Swede writes this when they are tired in class usually after searching up qwertyuiopåasdfghjklöäzxcvbnm.

Hey Sven, Stafan! Look at this!

Funny right?
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzåäö Doesn't really have a meaning except for being the alphabet in Swedish.

by Ellothesmello September 30, 2021


Emil is a nice european guy who loves to learn languages and to eat noodles. Hes smart but he calls himself stupid(hes not). Emil is not sus and he has a nice voice, he knows a little bitta guitar.

-Who is that guy over there?
-Well if it isn't Emil
-Hey Emil! Can you translate this for us?
Emil -Sure

by Ellothesmello December 7, 2021