Source Code

Exclamation Point Fail

When you are typing an exclamation point and your pinky lifts of the shift key resulting in a typed "1" instead of a "!"

John: FUCK YES!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!
Robert: Dude, you just "Exclamation Point Failed" all over the place!

by Ellron October 14, 2010

2👍 2👎

Happy Leet (1337)

When someone used leetspeak in an everyday typing scenario to emphasize excitement.

This was developed of of the accidental " Yay!!!1!!! " when your pinky lifts of the shift key while typing exclamation points.

I'm so excited I'm going to use Happy Leet (1337)!!!!one11!!
Dude! I just got laid last night!!one!111!!one!!1
FUCK YES!!one!11!!!!!one!!!

by Ellron October 14, 2010

1👍 5👎

Fallen Soldiers

After a party, the hundreds of cups that are everywhere are fallen soldiers.

I had a party of only 25 people, but there were at least 200 fallen soldiers.

by Ellron December 23, 2010

7👍 15👎