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United Nations

Some random thing that tries to act like it cares about human rights, but the moment you’re being murdered on 57th st. in NYC in front of the U.N. HQ, absolutely no one is around to hear you.

You could stand outside the U.N. HQ and burn the Universal Declaration of Human Rights while being a 70-year-old homosexual virgin that hasn’t been able to openly come out of the closet out of fear of being disowned by a family that he loves dearly...

The U.N. won’t shed a tear because they’ll be too busy snorting lines of cocaine with Lady Gaga and CHUGGING out of Bud Lite beer kegs.

The U.N. is a huge bisexual orgy and absolutely nothing else. Lesbians and homosexuals are BANNED from the U.N. and technically anyone who can’t be dramatic enough... you can’t show raw or real emotion.

The U.N. is the definition of EVIL.

Me: “Hello!!!! Can anyone hear me?! I’m holding up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and I’m experiencing EXCRUCIATING homosexual sexual repression... I can’t openly LIVE in this existence while the heteronormative psychosis oppresses me!!!”

United Nations: “Shut up and pick yourself up by the bootstraps... UNLESS YOU’RE LADY GAGA; THEN WE’LL GRANT ALL OF YOUR WISHES!!! Oh, and go love yourself before you love other people (in other words: MASTURBATE FOREVER)!!!” 😃

by Elsa Buttersworth December 14, 2019

4👍 13👎

Jake Paul

Some random person people compare to genocidal psychopaths like Adolf Hitler all because he acted stupid one day and didn’t change his behaviour in the same way psychopathic feminists that assume that the world is made up of BLACK and WHITE and every single human being has experienced the exact same experience.

“Omg, he wasn’t 100% perfect in front of millions of people! Let’s destroy Jake Paul and compare him to cancer!”

by Elsa Buttersworth November 29, 2019


A hellish place created by heterosexuals that magically expect their children to be grateful for being born.

The existence is filled with disease and death and psychotic parents expecting you to be happy despite it all happening.

If you’re born a male, you have to ignore your desires and automatically find a female partner and eventually get her pregnant (or endlessly have sex with her because her desires are your penis even if you don’t want that) or be constantly shamed until the day you die.

If you’re born a female, you have to constantly do your makeup and endlessly be pretty and heterosexual as well — or bisexual for “powerful” men. You aren’t allowed to be free just like men aren’t allowed to be free.

You must shut up 100% of the time and always do what people tell you to do.

Me: “Hey, I’m alive! I’m ready for life!”

Them: “Good: sign here and here and here and here and here and now you’re officially my slave. So sorry that you were manipulated with money since the moment you were born. MAN UP, GROW UP, and GET OVER IT. NO ONE CARES!!!!”

by Elsa Buttersworth November 29, 2019

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A person that’s harder to find as time progresses into the future.

A person that won’t have sex with a certain race after having gotten tired of having sex with that certain race during their slut phase.

A biracial person that has a certain type.

A cultured/educated person on a mission that isn’t automatically a billionaire/millionaire.

A person who doesn’t find you attractive (based on personal desires and whims) and publicly states it — considering the sex-crazed nature of this society.

“Sorry, I don’t date blacks after endlessly having black dicks in my mouth for the past 10 years.”

“THAT’S RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“I personally wouldn’t date black men... I’m still half black, though.”


“I’m black AND gay...”

“Oh, no one cares. How do we know that no one cares? Because we know the 7.5 billion people on the planet.”

by Elsa Buttersworth November 29, 2019

3👍 52👎


When a woman hits a man and bruises him for no reason other than “all men have done this before” (even though there is ZERO evidence/data that proves that every single individual male has hit a woman) and to be perceived as a heroine by other women and psychotic American feminists that scream “oppression” from homes that they paid off with inherited money.

“Omg, did you hear that Elsa hit John?”

“Yes, he was totally asking for it by sitting there and reading a book and minding his own business.”

“Omg, but did you also hear that John hit her back?”

“OH MY GOD!!!! THAT’S ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“I know, right? He’s like 5’2” and 137 lbs. and she’s like 6’0” and 357 lbs. that’s like SO unfair. A MAN HITTING A WOMAN?! WOMEN ARE SMALLER AND MORE FRAGILE!!!!!”

by Elsa Buttersworth December 24, 2019

26👍 53👎


Something everyone wants to be, but the moment they become it, they want to die.

Me (while not a superstar): OMG, I want to be a superstar.”

Also me (while a superstar): “God, this is NOT fun AT ALL. Everyone is fucking insane. EVERYONE!!!! I feel like the white girl King Kong used as a rag doll. I’m constantly being FAKE and LYING because these idiots will RAVAGE me if I call them out for what they really are: EVIL.”

by Elsa Buttersworth January 1, 2020


An extremely disgusting/corrupt and overrated city that still thinks that it’s in its hay-day of the 1950s. The United Nations is there, but it’s an ornament and means absolutely nothing/does absolutely nothing for the betterment of that city or humanity (the city is literally PLAGUED with homelessness and nobody seems to care). The Statue of Liberty is just another ornament and means absolutely nothing. People are slaves to the money in that city and REFUSE to acknowledge it. You can be GOD himself and these people would still walk over you for their own benefit. You can be BUDDHA or every other important figure in the history of humanity and New Yorkers WILL mistreat, exploit, and abuse you and then ignore you once you seek justice.

Random 15-year-old: “I’m going to move to NYC at age 18 to achieve my dreams as a dancer!!!”

Random 15-year-old (at age 27): “I’ve been here for the past few years and I’m about to commit suicide. I’ve become a meth addict because I resorted to meth because it’d help me stay up during the long hours for the minimum wage jobs that were helping me afford a room (that I was sharing with 37 other women/men) in the outskirts of the Bronx. I’ve been raped 89 times here and nobody cares. I’m now living in a studio on 46th st. that’s 4 sq. ft. by 2 sq. ft. and I have to sleep standing up. It’s fucking abusive. I even had to sell an organ in the black market for 15 days of rent. I’ve had to resort to drug dealing and prostitution just to afford rent. They don’t give a shit about me in the dance industry. Why? I’m a BIG FAT OBESE BLACK LESBIAN BLACK GIRL WITH A PROTRUDING VAGINA (which is fetishised in the sex industry). I also have a ‘bad’ reputation for flicking off Anna Wintour after she was walking out of the Condé Nast torture towers because she’s a ‘frail’ old lady — for some strange reason, she’s been frail and old for the past 80 years? Anyway, where was I? I’m about to hang myself. This is NOT the city of dreams... it’s the city of NIGHTMARES. Too many fake grins here. GOOD BYE... or maybe I’ll just catch a plane to Sweden tomorrow and save myself.”

by Elsa Buttersworth January 1, 2020

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