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Shake your junk

Alternate phrase for male stripping. Essentially describes the nude dancing and hip thrusts guys sometimes do for pathetic amounts of money. Often used to confront or belittle guys, jokingly or otherwise, about being strippers.

"You can't accuse me of having a bad job while you just shake your junk for 5 dollars an hour."

Colin: "Does Jake have a job?"
Ben: "Yeah. He's a stripper."
Jake: "What? No I'm not!"
Ben: "Dont lie, Jake. We all know you shake your junk in that place on Preston road."

by Elsis May 16, 2016

balls bet

A bet exclusively for boys. The simple terms are that the winner gets to hit the loser in the balls. Very high stakes bet which few dare to take.

Example 1:

Jon: What happened to Max? Why is he on the floor?
Mitch: Oh he just lost a balls bet with me

Example 2:

Austin: Balls bet that I can beat this level.
Ben: Deal.
Austin: *beats level*
Ben: Shit. Wait-not too hard-aaawwwww!

by Elsis May 18, 2016

sac tap bitch

A boy who is always sac tapped by his friends and others. Usually a sac tap bitch is too weak or pathetic to retaliate and is always on the defensive. As a result of being hit in the balls so many times, they can easily flinch like typical cowards and are very defensive, sometimes covering their crotch in order to preemptivevley defend themselves.

Tanner: What happened to Brent?
Robin: Oh, he just got sac tapped again.
Tanner: Seriously? What a sac tap bitch!

by Elsis May 18, 2016

sac tap butt slap

This is a truly humiliating attack one can do to a boy. It involves the simple act of hitting them in the balls, usually with a quick flick motion. When he is doubled over in pain it is followed by a painful slap on the ass. It’s a spanking they won’t forget and whoever does it is a badass.

Example 1
Jake: Why is everyone laughing at robin?
Tanner: Jordan attacked him. It was a sac tap butt slap
Jake: Damn!

Example 2
Brent was standing around minding his own business when Robin and Derek got him with a sac tap butt slap. Robin hit him in the balls, Derek slapped his ass. It was embarrassing for Brent.

by Elsis December 28, 2018

extreme freeze tag

An incredibly painful version of freeze tag, where boys can only be frozen by getting hit in the balls. Usually results in the tagged person being frozen in a humiliating doubled over position and silently suffering through ball ache while waiting for the game to end.

Want to play extreme freeze tag?

He froze with a grimace on his face and instantly regretted agreeing to play extreme freeze tag with these bullies.

by Elsis May 18, 2016