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Moldy describes a certain type of person who lives in the Washington, D.C. area. The way the act, dress, talk, etc. is so commonplace, it's as if they've come out of a mold.

Piper: "Omigod, Taylor, I'm starrrrrving! Want to go to Chop't on our lunch break and get some salads with no dressing?"

Taylor: "Um, yeah, obvi, Pipes. Let me just change into my Tory Burch flats and I'll be ready. K?"

The aboce exchange represents two moldy people discussing lunch plans.

by Em B. October 24, 2014


Like demographics, emographics explain how many emo kids live in a certain area, or go to a certain school.

"I'm new to this middle school. What are the emographics like here?"

by Em B. March 26, 2008