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West Virginia University

Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, this school is home to the world's finest couch burners. They usually have a pretty decent football team and basketball team, although the 2009-2010 basketball team won the Big East Championship and made it to the NCAA Final Four. Many innocent couches were burned those nights.

Their biggest sports rival is whoever they happen to be playing that night, though they do particularly hate Pitt, and will usually shout "Eat shit Pitt" at games. The fans offten times make sports center because of their heckling tactics (which include shouting the name of a coach's misstress) and throwing trash onto the floor and at players from the other school. The rowdy fans are offten times from New Jersey, but can be just about anyone from the school if they're playing Pitt. They burn couches and sing "Country Roads" after every game.

Mom- What should we do with this old couch?

Dad- Hey, let's send it to our son that goes to West Virginia University that way he has something to burn after the game!

by Em K. 723 November 26, 2010

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