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adjective - of more than average size, quantity, degree, etc.; exceeding that which is common to a kind or class; big; great; humongous. Derived from combining the words gnarly and large.

Emerson Bigguns has gnarge testicles.

by Emerson Bigguns February 29, 2008


The sexual act of simultaneously inserting ones scrotum into a womans vagina while poking her brown eye with yer dick.

During an intense anal sex session, Angie screamed out in passion. " I need more of you !". So, Johnny morphed with her and the union was complete.

Dude, my balls hurt from all that morphing last night.

by Emerson Bigguns November 23, 2007

11👍 34👎

Emerson Bigguns

Literally translated to "them are some big ones" referring to nearly anything, although usually to a women's breasts, see bigguns. Also used in reference to individuals called Emerson, as a way of indicating that he has large testicles, or possibly only that he is cool

Emerson Bigguns on that girl!

Emerson Bigguns, I was wondering when I would see you again!

That Emerson Bigguns is one bad ass mofo!

by Emerson Bigguns December 13, 2007

10👍 8👎

pub fare

generally refers to the type of food you would find at a pub, bar, or any place of the like. In America it tends to be sandwiches, burgers, salads, appetizers, and sometimes entrees.

"Let's eat here at Joe's Bar and Grill, it's pub fare."

"What the heck is pub fair?"

"You know, sandwiches, burgers, stuff like that. And it's fare, not fair, dummy"

by Emerson Bigguns December 5, 2010

11👍 2👎

Scott Baio

Similar to the Tony Danza, but instead of asking "Who's the boss" you ask "Who's in charge?" When she says "You're in charge" you slap her ass and say "No, Charles is in charge, bitch." You can also add the extended, "No, Charles is in charge of our days and our nights. Charles in charge of our wrongs and our rights."

"That bitch wasn't worth a Danza so instead I gave her a Baio."

"After Cathy and I hit the Sizzler buffet we came back to my place for some sex. While we were having sex I gave her a Scott Baio."

"I prefer the Scott Baio to the Tony Danza. I guess I've just always liked Scott's work better. That said, I'm still a sucker for the Danza."

"While I was morphing your mom last night I slipped in a Tony Danza. She was so drunk she fell for a Baio too. Stupid bitch."

by Emerson Bigguns November 24, 2007

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