Source Code


1) Montgomery County, Maryland. In it;s location right next to DC, it has DC's violence in some parts, while it also has the richness of Orange County California.

2) Home to many of the 2002 sniper shootings.

MoCo is only used for Montgomery County Maryland. If you use it to define some other Montgomery County, I will personally jump you.

Let's all visit MoCo for some fun fun fun!

by Emily April 13, 2005

597πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž


Bangin' (banging) 'verb'
1. engaging in sexual intercourse
2. Being cool, or acceptable.

Def 1. "Did you know charlie and jessi wer bangin'?"
Def 2. "Dude that purse you got is bangin'!

by Emily November 9, 2004

38πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A person who uses the word like and wow and totally a whole lot and thay care alot about there hair and make-up and how they look often they are cheerleaders; steriotype

Gurl 1: Omg my eyeshadow is so like screwed up i am gonna die
Gurl 2: Omg it is come on i have my stuff in a bag lets go fix it
(gurl 2 pulls out a huge duffle bag full of make-up)
gurl 1:Now we r ready for cheerleading

by Emily April 15, 2003

126πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž


tiny little city in New Jersey that is the ultimate epitome of coolness. An affluent white suburb of New York that specializes in snobbery, country clubbing, and discrimination. Also in close proxmity to Short Hills (location of one of the most prestigious malls on the planet.)

Random person: I'm from Summit

Other random person: OMG!!! I MUST WORSHIP YOU!!!!

Omg lets go to summit we can meet a CEO
who works on wal street marry him bang him and free load

by Emily January 26, 2005

148πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


the most asmazing word in the world. can be used to describe practically anything.
primerilly meaning slag, slut etc... but isnt as offensive, can be used to describe males, as well as females.
can be used to describe any sexual act eg/ she's been slangin again.

shut up you slange.
slange off.
you slange.
stop slangin you slange.

by Emily March 10, 2005

53πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž


randomized is when something is completely unexpected and is out of the blue!!!and when someone does something really individual. you are geeeeeeeeeey!

(a boy decides to jump up and down on the tv)
This is so randomized

by Emily July 27, 2004

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


fuckjoy - someone who always seems happy, even when it's not appropriate or necessary.

A mom who is always chipper, even when things are crappy, she'll bring out tang and ritz crackers.

by Emily February 28, 2005

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž