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In a video games: a person that holds onto every single item of interest, piece of loot/gear for which they can find even a flimsiest justification to keep, be it a limited nature of the item, one of its' stats being 1 point better so it can be useful for a specific build, its' looks, sentimental value, a slight chance that it might be used in some quest 4 years later, funny name and etc. etc.
Always in denial and always complaining that whatever game they are playing has too limited means of storing items in terms of capacity and in terms of sorting items. Usually self proclaim themselves as collectors.

"Hoarder? I'm a collector! I have a fine collection of 500 guns and armour out of which probably over 300 aren't even worth using and another 100 I will probably never use." - half of any MMORPGFPS vidyagame playerbase.

by Emissary Of The Sixty-Nine February 5, 2020