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A turbo-radd form of thrash-dance. kickout your leg, whilst punching forward with the opposite arm. DO a little skip/jump/slip as you move your leg back and swing the other one up to kick at the air in front of you adn punch the air with you're opposite arm AGAIN. Repeat until vomiting/passing-out occurs ( please don't,not really. It feels great when you skank to the entire song if you're up to it, don't hurt yourself!!Or anyone else for that matter. You want to skank another day! XD)

If you really want to get your sweetness on, flail your arms in a wind-mill motion, shake that head and try to to run into anyone. just kick out a the same time and try to jump at the same time as THAT. It's fun, just kinda....go!

Girl #1- I lurve this beat, it's so sweet. it makes me want to dance!

Girl #2- Fer sure, lets start skanking!

Girl #1- Huh? Why are you kicking and punching. OMG are you having that twitch again, let me help you, no- don't go away, i was helping!

Girl #2 ( approx.2 min later)- AGG! Don't mess with teh skankage!

Girl #1- Pshh, you looked like you were dying

Girl #2- But it was fun.XD

by Emma Louise May 9, 2007

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