A term used to describe anything or anyone that is outside of Indonesia, often implying a sense of cultural or geographical distinction from Indonesian customs, practices, or norms.
When I traveled to Outdonesia for the first time, I was amazed by how different the food and traditions were compared to what I grew up with in Indonesia.
A phenomenon where a mainland Chinese person cries because mainland China is the only country in the world that bans the Tom Cruise movies "Top Gun" (1986) and "Top Gun 2: Maverick" (2022) when the same country is also the world's most populous country.
Mainland China, being the world's most populous country, is the only country in the world that bans the Tom Cruise movies "Top Gun" (1986) and "Top Gun 2: Maverick" (2022), hence causing a phenomenon known as "emotional cruise".
"let'skuy" is a fusion of the English term "let's" (short for "let us") and the Indonesian slang word "kuy" (derived from "kuy" inverted form of "kuy", which is in turn derived from the Indonesian word "ayo" which means "come on" or "let's go"). This term blends the collaborative and inclusive nature of "let's" with the energetic and encouraging essence of "kuy," creating a unique and dynamic expression that signifies a call to action, adventure, or shared participation. "let'skuy" embodies a spirit of enthusiasm, motivation, and unity, encouraging individuals to embark on an activity or journey together with zeal and vigor.
Hey, it's a beautiful day outside! Let'skuy explore the city together.
"AADC" is an acronym that draws a playful connection between the description of a high school girl's uniform as "attractive, adorable, and cute" and the backronym "AADC" ("Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?", "meaning What's Up With Love?") which is the title of a 2002 Indonesian romantic drama film set in high school, directed by Rudy Soedjarwo.. While the acronym references the film, the terms "attractive, adorable, and cute" are typically used to describe things that are visually pleasing, charming, and endearing. In this context, "AADC" captures the essence of appreciating the aesthetic appeal and nostalgic charm of the high school girl's uniform, evoking a sense of visual delight and fondness. The term highlights the general aesthetic appeal and perception of such uniforms, emphasizing their visual allure rather than a direct reference to the film itself.
Her uniform was so on point today, totally giving off those AADC vibes - attractive, adorable, and cute all rolled into one!