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I think I'm gonna be sick laughing!

haha a fat guy making an ugly face. itiagbsl.

by Emu March 15, 2005

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


lsd is pretty good but if your hardcore you should BZ

this jizz face said hey you wanna buy some lsd? so i punched him in the throat and said yer a lightweight.Im doin BZ and goin to the drag races

by Emu March 5, 2003

14πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


A mythical ancient Greece creature, with the head of a goose and the legs of a chicken

That frink has his hand in a cow's bottom.

by Emu April 7, 2004

18πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

punk rock

music with no rules

at the punk rock show the singer stuck the microphone up his ass then took a shit onstage and got down and licked it then threw it at the audience.also someone jumped off the balcony but nobody went to see if he was o.k.

by Emu March 5, 2003

19πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž



A TV contender (usually from a reality show), who becomes famous for stupidity, fecklessness, imbecilic behaviour, naivety, crudeness, rudeness and general chav behaviour and chav attitudes (see Chav in the dictionary).

A telechav is really a super-chav who, once famous, has the means and media exposure to expand the bounds of chavism:

· They can spend more time and money at the hairdressers having chemicals put on their hair to make it look like a cheap sparkly nylon wig.
· They can get drunk/drugged up more often and get into more fights and have sex in a better class of toilet.
· They have baby chavs (rather than use the chav contraceptive -an abҀ¦.) and call the little chavs stupid names and dress the creatures in miniature chav outfits (branded sports clothes/shoes that sell for 200 times more than they cost to produce) and have the little chavs pieced about their bodies for gold plated studs and rings to be inserted.
· Telechavs are the modern equivalent of the sideshow Geek seen in travelling shows in the USA in the 1930s, but are much more abundant.

Having one eye taken out (right eye is more fashionable) and replacing it with a gold plated orb is all the rage with telechavs.

Telechav speak: "ah fink am qween of media un stuff coz am stlye like dat un evryfink - rilly"

by Emu February 27, 2004

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. a word you use to shut someone down when they're talking a lot and annoying you, and you dont want to dignify them with a response.

2. a word used to describe a feeling of misery, boredom, or otherwise blah-ness.

1) person 1. "like omg I was walking yesterday and like I stepped in some gum and like I was really pissed off and then I decided to play in traffic and then and then and then like omg isn't that just like amazing?"
person 2. "Dwa."

2) person 1. "how are you today?"
person 2. "...dwa...."

by Emu November 16, 2004

7πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


drug that makes LSD look like bunk weed

hey you little faggot you better shut the fuck up or i'll make you take BZ and youll be layin on the floor for 3 days trippin your guts out

by Emu March 20, 2003

25πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž