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Abomination- divergence or bastardization of the natural order, humanity or societal orthodoxy that causes feelings of digust, distate or revulsion

The Webster’s dictionary definition is an abomination to the words true meaning

by Enderlee January 3, 2023

Hillary Clinton

The very definition of a Progressive Karen.
An aristocratic old white person who thinks they are hip trendy and woke but pretty much come across as out of touch in the most cringe way possible

Yo when Hillary Clinton said she was woke that was the most Progressive Karen shit I’ve ever heard

by Enderlee February 7, 2020

62👍 173👎

Denial by omission

To deny the truth of something, either purposefully or accidentally, Simply by not mentioning it.

Politicians especially Donald Trump commit Denial by omission every time they open their mouth

by Enderlee January 16, 2021

Denial by omission

An act done either purposefully or accidentally, in which specific facts or details are omitted, glossed over, Left to subtext or in some way not give the the proper respect that they deserve.

Politicians regularly deny by omission.

Donald Trump commits a denial by omission every time he opens his mouth.

by Enderlee January 16, 2021

Denial by omission

When you acknowledge that one group of people face oppression but fail to acknowledge that others face that same oppression.

Politicians regularly Deny by omission, None more so than Donald Trump who commits a denial by omission every time he opens his mouth.

by Enderlee January 16, 2021

Denial by omission

An act done either purposefully or accidentally, in which specific facts or details are omitted, glossed over, Left to subtext or in some way not give the the proper respect that they deserve.

Politicians regularly deny by omission.

Donald Trump commits a denial by omission every time he opens his mouth.

by Enderlee January 16, 2021

1👍 2👎