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When you find a vein of 10 diamonds in Minecraft.

Dude I think I just had an oregasm.

by Epic Gamer February 11, 2018


Absolute mad lad. The most epic gamer you will ever see. A smexy beast.

Look at that beast. HeҀ™s a wheatiboots.

by Epic Gamer September 27, 2018


Spaghetti is the most holy food. Gods made spaghetti for us measly moratals. Only people with the most highest IQ can understand the true meaning of spaghetti.

Italian 1: cook meh some spaghet

Italian 2: I gothchu fam *makes spaghetti

Italian 1: *dies of pure amazement*

by Epic Gamer September 27, 2018

64πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Spaghetti is the most holy food. Gods made spaghetti for us measly moratals. Only people with the most highest IQ can understand the true meaning of spaghetti.

Italian 1: cook meh some spaghet

Italian 2: I gothchu fam *makes spaghetti*
Italian 1: *dies of pure amazement*

by Epic Gamer September 27, 2018

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Very cool gorilla tag player i have played with him in gorilla tag before -arminvr

ay have you played gorilla tag with moon_ghoulvr

by Epic Gamer February 16, 2022


jackamous is a very epic tiktoker which is very a funny guy/girl and she sometimes pretends to be a Minecraft zombie

yo have you seen jackamous latest tiktok

by Epic Gamer October 18, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž