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portmanteau formed from bagholder + retard

a wannabe investor who buys a bad stock, then even when it keeps going down year-after-year, instead of taking a small loss, now, the noob huffs some hopium and holds firmly onto his bag until the stock is completely worthless and he is FLAT BROKE ...

syn: naktard, fucktard, trumptard

Nine-out-of-ten financial advisors agree ... people who buy NAK are bagtards!

by Eppypotamus April 9, 2021

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a portmanteau formed from Trump+shitty+asshole+chump+lump+schlump; def: the epitome of all your pervy, senile, obese, low-IQ, Republican, uncles who, given half an opportunity, will grab-a-snatch your pussy ... even when your parents are present

syn: assclown, trumpanzee, ignoranus

In his mind Donald Trump is the King of the World, whereas in reality, he is only King of Tschlumps!

by Eppypotamus July 6, 2019

246πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


(1) to become mentally deranged from the effects of attendance at Trump rallies; the cause is suspected to be multiple "brain slam" traumas (these shocking conflicts-of-logic-and-truth are similar in mechanism to the repetitive concusions that cause TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury); (2) synonyms: hannitized, lobotomized

OMG! Within the first few minutes of exposure to the deleterious effects at a Trump rally, my pervy uncle was thoroughly magatized.

by Eppypotamus June 21, 2019

447πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž



def: (1) the smell of corruption and failure that permeates anything touched by Donald Trump (2) the smell of death (3) the smell of Ivanka's 13-year-old daddy-spooged anus

see: "Everything touched by Trump dies" a NYT #1 best-seller book by a noted Republican strategist (and genius), Rick Wilson.

example of usage: "I was doing well investing in a promising goldmine prospect in Alaska, then Trump got involved and the whiff of Trumpstank scared-off all the investors! Now my investment and 401k are worthless!"

by Eppypotamus August 22, 2019

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Behaving in the manner of an assclown; see Sean Hannity Donald Trump, or any Republican member-of-Congress for poignant examples.

More than 1,000 psychiatrists recently stated that Donald Trump's assclownish behavior is due to his malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but, to borrow a trite Trumpism other "people say" it's mainly because he is a low-IQ person.

by Eppypotamus June 8, 2019

298πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


portmanteau formed from Trump + pervy + pervert

def: (1) a pervy old geezer who engages in boasting of his numerous sexual assaults on women such as unwanted or "ambush" kissing and grab-a-snatch attacks ... which he crudely characterizes as "grab them by the pussy!"

cf: see Donald Trump (the prototype)

(2) a fat-assed misogynistic assclown who is characteristically 50-years (or more) older than the women who he stares at fantasizing in his feverish NPD - deranged brain that they find him sexually attractive ... never conscious of the revulsion they feel for him

OMG! My pervy uncle is such a Trumpervert! At our family Thanksgiving gathering he grabbed me by my pussy and tried to kiss me on the mouth IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS! OMG!!!!!

by Eppypotamus July 14, 2019

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short-fingered vulgarian

white-supremacist septuagenarian fucktard whose early-morning defecations are accompanied by spewings of Hitlerian hate speech via Twitter Rage; see Donald J. Trump; also: assclown; Republican

Donald J. Trump is the proto-typical short-fingered vulgarian.

by Eppypotamus June 20, 2019

298πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž