The worst word to hear about a woman or man you like romantically.
Friend: She's unavailable.
Unrequited lover: Ah, shit. Gotta respect that. Ah, fuck, though.
11👍 4👎
When the inbox for your internet email address becomes loaded with junk mail because of irresponsible internet surfing.
My inbox became a sinbox over a couple of weeks.
Someone who doesn't get unrequited love when it happens.
You're intellectually gifted, but you're a dolt for not picking up signals.
5👍 15👎
The place where a loose girl puts out.
Let's go to my slut hut, honey.
A weak hitter in baseball, where the pitcher grows annoyed at his will just to keep his at-bat alive.
He faced the bat gnat. It took 12 pitches to retire him.
When a guy masturbates in bed.
I'm reaching down for my fap nap so I can get to sleep tonight.