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A nudist party. Held usually in Germany. Males from around the world flock to the johnson fest to look at other men and wear frilly pink socks. Not to be confused with the 'Sausage Fest' known as Lindsay Koscielski.

Man, that MTV is one huge Johnson Fest.

by Eric Johnson December 6, 2004

8👍 2👎

Yukon Cornelious

A mountain man extrodinair!

That boy is a regular Yukon Cornelious!

by Eric Johnson February 11, 2004

8👍 34👎


big breasts, jugs; a girl with really big boobs

"Damn that chick got some yitties!"

by Eric Johnson August 11, 2004

48👍 11👎


for sure, or alright

E: "you goin home today?"
L: "Foshigadel"

by Eric Johnson August 11, 2004