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The Gush

Prolonged and incessant ejaculation, resulting in death.

"The firsht guy that ever wash to get The Gush wash Dean Dorsey. I've sheen the clip. He'sh doing the snot shot, and suddenly there'sh thish real panic on hish face, and he just keeps shtaring down at himshelf whimpering "oh my god, oh my god," like a shad voice, freaky clown. He'sh coming with the tears in his voice, but they are not there. It ish bad." - Dutch Pornstar, Rudy van Winkel

by Ernest Miller Hemingway September 19, 2008

86👍 22👎

Death in the Afternoon

Potent cocktail, purportedly invented by Ernest Hemingway, containing champagne and pastis.

"Make me a Death in the Afternoon, barkeep."

by Ernest Miller Hemingway September 18, 2008

4👍 1👎