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Brayden Mosher

A lover, prefer peace over anything else. want to have a good time with people they enjoy the most.

⁃ They are fighter, not to contradict the lover part but will never stay knocked down, will never let someone walk all over me, also don’t demand respect they earn earn it.

⁃ They’re different and unique, different more accurate, They think they’re re different and never really belonged to a set group, but in fact they’re likable because they work and think on own. They’re always open for conversation and take into account others thought and opinions but at the end of the day they shelter back to their fear so they end us saying something like “am me and i roll with me.”
⁃ “such an animal lover, but don’t hunt, don’t fish. Animals deserve to live and be happy on this earth just as much as we do” something that they would’ve said.

⁃ Huge when it comes to food and selecting very carefully, theyre such a foodie,
. will eat a steak, ribs, and meat but please do not try to tell or show how it’s made type of person.

⁃ committed people in this world there isn’t much that they find find interest in but when they do, they’re all in. Whether that be relationships, career wise, traveling, once they get a chance to put their mind set it, they’re more like a whole new person. “Life is too short to worry about everything” that’s what they say when in trouble-arise, they worry about what’s important to them and them only.

Brayden Mosher

by Eslam Badan May 2, 2022