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The most diesel person you can ever know..Huge head and bootleg teeth

he is everywhere you go and once you know him you cant get rid of him PERIODT. YOULL SEE AJ FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE..even on a nice car ride you'll see aj on someones licences plate.. Aj is a curse that me and my friends cannot get rid of. :(

"i woke up in the middle of the night and AJ was at my bedside"
"my cat died and her last words to me was *meow* *AJ* *MEOW...*"
"my mom told me to clean up the AJ off the counter but she meant to say OJ"
"so i was in the bathroom minding my business and i look up and AJ is eating warm mayo with a glass of milk above my head"

by Esther Josephine AJ Prudence March 5, 2019

5👍 3👎