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Someone who thinks that killing an unborn child is free choice, but killing a convicted murderer or a child rapist is "insensitive".

Someone who think the government should control all aspects of life examples: Healthcare, Education, Business, personal income, and religious beliefs (So nobody can be offended).

Someone who thinks that eliminating poverty is more important than preserving economic freedom in life.

Someone who thinks that fair taxation is not fair until the people who make more money pay more than their fair share.

Someone who supports such extreme environmental regulations that drilling for oil in the US is virtually impossible, but also fight against any source of energy that actually works (Nuclear, Coal). But they can also support ethanol that takes approximately 1.5 gallons of diesel fuel to provide the power to make 1 gallon of "environmental friendly" ethanol.
They must also subsidize ethanol companies, therefore creating a money vacuum into a doomed energy policy. Which not too mention has decreased US food production and therefore has led to a worldwide increase of countries with food shortages by the way.

Someone who supports free speech as long as it doesn't contradict what they believe, then it's no longer free speech, but "hate speech."

They must also be completely ignorant of history which shows us that increase in government control ultimately leads to the destruction of freedom. Examples: The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, The People's Republic of China, etc.

Someone who believes in equal economic outcome (an aspect of socialism) instead of inequality based on what you earned (an aspect of capitalism).

Someone who blindly believes that the government would never do anything to hinder the freedoms of people no matter how much power it is given and the government is the solution to all economic and social problems because they actually know what's best for you, not the individual. Remember, Big Brother is here to help you, not hurt you.

There are of course many other things that you must blindly believe in order to be a liberal in the modern political American aspect of the word. Regardless of what history teaches us about government control in people's lives.

Conservative: Doesn't history show us that too much government control, even with good intentions, leads to inevitable destruction of freedom?

Liberal: That's only because the wrong people were in power

Conservative: What makes modern American liberals so different?

Liberal: Because WE have the best interest of the people on our minds.

Conservative: That's what every oppressive government in history said when they eliminated freedoms for the sake of the "common good"

Liberal: But we're different! We're not eliminating freedom, but eliminating people's choice to make wrong decisions.

Conservative: So who decides what's "best for the people", the government? How does that make you different than a socialist?

Liberal: WE JUST ARE! You're a racist! And a Bigot! And you don't care about anybody but the super rich!

Conservative: Why? Because I don't want the government to have complete control in people's lives? But instead give the people the right to prosper if they choose, or to not if they choose?

Liberal: Just shut up! You're an ignorant, Christian, redneck, homophobe!

Conservative: My point exactly.

by Ethan Daigle April 21, 2008

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