An animated show on Netfix about the horseman, Bojack Horseman, which explores the depravity of human nature (yet not utterly depraved) and the context of the actions of sexually exploitive men in Hollywood, especially how such exploitation is a result of the culture of sex directly after the Sexual Revolution
In the show, Bojack is an actor who previously starred on a Seinfeld/Rags to Riches-esque show, Horsin' Around, who does very little more with his life for a while
Bojack Horseman? Isn't that the horse from Horsin' Around?
Yeah, that show sucked but I liked it.
Noah: Hey Mark, I just got off the phone with Joe.
Mark: Who's Joe?
Noah: Joseph Mother! Gottem!
The hard 'R' version of Noah. Only people named Noah can say Noer; it is their word. Invented by a kid named Noah from South Jersey
"Hey Noer, how are you?"
'Not funny, Jamal. Don't call me that.'
Referring to St. Thomas Aquinas, a doctor of the Catholic Church and one of the smartest men to have ever lived
St. Thomas Aquinas' 5 Ways are actually a summary that he goes into more depth in the Summa Contra Gentiles.