Source Code

Code Eugene

When a Eugene gets fed up and gets tired of being bullied, he brings his "new backpack" to school. However, this is just an excuse to bring a bigger bag for all his guns. Eugene will then begin shooting up the school.

-what are those loud noises?
-Oh shit its a CODE EUGENE! Run!

by Eugene's backpack January 22, 2019

31👍 1👎


A fat fuck often associated with a code Eugene. Will never participate in gym class and is known to make excuses such as, "My back hurts" or "I hurt my ankle". A Travis can be identified by the stench due to the fact that he NEVER showers. A Travis can often be found playing ROBLOX on the computer as well.

Guy 1:Oh my god! What is that smell?
Guy 2:That's just Travis.

Guy 1: If Travis reaches into his bag, i'm out of here!

by Eugene's backpack January 22, 2019


A stray strand of bofa, although it is much more rare due to the fact that it is less contagious than (ligma) and a host cannot contract both; ligma and E-TMA bassed on current scientific data. Although it is still a grew area in the attempts to stop autism. It is spread verbally by tricking some poor bastard into saying "E-TMA".

Autistic child #1 :You know E-TMA?

Normal child #1 :Whats E-TMA?

Autistic child #1 : E-TMA MY ASS!

by Eugene's backpack May 13, 2019

13👍 14👎