Negima is a manga series by Ken Akamatsu, author of Love Hina and A.I. Love You among other works.
Negima is the story of an english wizard named Negi Springfield who has just graduated Magic School at the age of 10. His final task is to go to Japan to Mahora Academy, and all-girl's school, and become an english teacher to a class full of beautiful and strange girls.
At first, the story is about Negi getting to know his class (with a few ecchi adventures) but as the story progresses, the plot thickens, secrets are revealed, and the action increases. Negi makes several allies as well as opponents along the way.
This manga has also inspired Negima!? Neo- a spin-off manga, two animes (Negima! and Negima!?) several OVAs, a live action series and possibly a movie in the future.
Although Negima has a slightly rushed beginning, if you keep reading, the story is amazing and has original characters.
The manga is rated 16+ for a little ecchi and harem. It's general categories are shounen, action, comedy, and fantasy.
77👍 5👎
A spin-off of the original manga series Mahou Sensei Negima by Ken Akamatsu. However, this series is drawn by Fujimiya Takuya, so it looks different. The plot in this series is different than the original manga. The manga follows the plot of the anime Negima!? at first, but then changes.
It is about an english wizard named Negi Springfield who has just graduated Magic School at the age of 10. His final task is to go to Japan to Mahora Academy, and all-girl's school, and become an english teacher to a class full of beautiful and strange girls.
For the most part, it is pretty similar to the original manga series.
Although Negima!? Neo is alright, Mahou Sensei Negima (the original version) is much better. It has more action and is much more popular, and from it, two anime series, another manga series, and several OVAs have been adapted.
41👍 7👎