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Down ass muh fuckah, one of the coolest people you'll ever meet and most importantly the best drug dealer your ever going to find.

Bilร‚ยทly (pronounced Bil-lee)
Amazing dope connect, super bad ass homie that's always down and has your back, crazy fucker down for whatever and always carries a pistol and quick to use it so don't try and burn or cross a Billy cuz you will get shot. Billy, not to be confused with a Billy bad ass, a regular Billy is bad ass enough on his own and that fact is well known already by anyone around him so there's no reason to have to announce it everytime his name is spoken

Damn did you try that dope we scored last night?? Yeah that shit was so fire, it had to have came from Billy! Billy is the only plug I've ever known with dope that bomb, quality never surpassed by any other lame ass dealer like Andrew's bitch ass. Billy is not only the coolest muh fuckah i know but is also the best connect i will ever have.

by EverydayPimpFromDaBay@getThaFu July 19, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Leion is always on the move and always working. There's never a dull moment with a Leion, he's down for anything always and a good pancake maker. Leions love to snoodle and loves his ratchets ass up face down in a pile of dirty socks in a small closet. Leions love meth and love to criddle, and are great criminals. They love to slam it. Leions are all around great people to be around.

Hey it's me Leion, you wanna snoodle? Whoooboobadoo! Oooooohweeee.

by EverydayPimpFromDaBay@getThaFu September 19, 2020