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Species V.S Kinds

Species V.S Kinds: A kind of animal references a dog or cat; there are many cat sub-species and dogs following the flood. An animal kind is vastly different from that of any other (dogs and cats). However, a species originates from a kind of animal (chihuahuas and husky’s are both one animal kind—dog). Furthermore, Natural selection provides Evangelical truth for God giving animals the ability to reproduce and adapt to the new environments after the flood. Consequently, there are different animal species derived from their animals kinds that have grown in number as is the Creation Mandate.

Species V.S Kinds are often mistaken for other concepts and ideas, causing confusion among people and how or why Creationism is to be accepted.

by Evidential TruthSeeker November 14, 2023

True Evolution

Evolution is the hypothetical theory or joke that everything came into existence (the earth, 4.5 billion years ago) through natural processes over an elongated duration without any logical evidence. Likewise, according to the secular view, evolution is presumed “science” in education, but is nothing more than another heretical religion demoting the Evangelical truth of God’s creation with diluvial scripture aligning physical evidence to the Biblical creation.

1. True Evolution is merely a theory derived by sinful human error.
2. Evolution is scientific heresy, teaching fictional stories on the account of human error.
3. Evolution demotes the Evangelical truth as it is full of error.
4. Evolution is illogical and “secular scientists” are biased in their own beliefs, ignoring living mammoth tissue and dinosaur blood.
5. Evolution is not a science, but the science of heresy.
6. Evolution is humanity’s greatest joke.

by Evidential TruthSeeker November 14, 2023


The hypothetical scenario that everything was created naturally over a gradual (4.5 billion years) rate; it is declared “science,” which should be taught, but is nothing more than another religion straying away from God. Likewise, because evolution is taught has true, many feel they must believe it despite Evangelical evidence of God’s truth and creation.

1. Evolution is a misconception on how people perceive the studies of science, providing outlandish theories without evidence while hoping others will not question it.

2. Evolution is a religion taught in public schools, demoting God’s omnipotence.

3. Evolution is a big joke to humanity.

4. Evolution is the story made up by human beings (secular), believing they know everything.

by Evidential TruthSeeker November 14, 2023