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Throw a stick

Oftenly used in Slovakia (or Czech) as a synonym for specific type of throwing up.
When one is "throwing a stick", the puke exits their mouth with high velocity in a tiny stream resembling stick.

I´m probably going to throw a stick.

by Exit August 7, 2018

1👍 1👎

Throw a sword

Term for specific type of puking in Slovakia, an opposite of power spew, or the opposite of throwing a stick.

When someone throws up, the puke exiting person´s mouth is going out in low speed (and there´s oftenly a lot of it, coming in multiple waves), so the person throwing a sword oftenly pukes on themselves and all over the toilet or the object the person is trying to puke in (oftenly messing it up or missing it entirely). After they finish throwing the sword, a lot of saliva or remains of the vomit hang from the thrower´s mouth.

Please, God, don´t let me throw a sword.
If you´re going to throw a sword, then go outside!

If I knew David was about to throw a sword, I´d give him extra bucket and tissues.

by Exit August 7, 2018


someone with a nice round ass

Sharon has a elephatass

by Exit March 24, 2004

11👍 7👎