An atheist is a person who does not necessarily believe in the existance of a god, or gods, or supreme beings of some kind. They are often charcterized as uncaring, arrogant, self centered, hateful, depressed, miserable, etc. This is not always the case. A common misconception is that atheists want to kill God, when less then a handful actually desire this.
Atheists are atheists for several reasons. Some feel that God would not allow the world and his children, us to kill eachother and devestate this world as we have, so they feel that such a sick minded being couldn't exist. They don't want to believe that something could be so cruel to let its creations suffer. Some feel that God has simply abandoned us for other worlds and see no reason to worship something that is no longer here. There are also atheists who seek the truth, they neither believe in God, or disbelieve in God. They want to find the truth out there if he is or is not real they simply want to know.
A common misunderstanding is that all atheists are fiercly intolerant of other races and religions. In reality, few atheists are that intolerant. In fact most atheists are more accepting of others than most religious people.
A lot of people choose atheism believing religion is a root of evil, having caused countless wars and billions of deaths for no reason throughout all of time. For the most part, atheists do not try and shove their beliefs onto others, unless someone trys to put their religion and beliefs onto them first
Lance armstrong believes if there was a God he would have two balls. He is an atheist who feels abandoned and hurt.
About 80% of all the wars in human history have been caused by conflicting religious views, not one has been by an atheist.
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