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Tenacious D

Unadulterated garbage. A pair of fat retards who can't sing but think they are funny tell stories about all the women they have had intercourse with (which we all know to be a very low number, likely with someone exceedingly homely, roofied, or male). Jack Black is in it and some other guy whose name is a fart joke; neither of which I would spit on if they were on fire from fighting the demons they claim to have battled. They are the human equivalent of an eighth grade boy's notebook, if that eighth grader had an IQ of 50 and had been molested repeatedly by his creepy uncle.

"Hey, you wanna go to the Tenacious D concert?"
"No thanks, I am not an 11 year old bedwetter who eats paint chips. Also, my eardrums still work."

by F#ck June 24, 2019

5👍 4👎