Any game played from the first person where you play as a gun or a set of hands. These are usually horror games or mindless online shooters like Call of duty and Battlefield. They are lazy ways to mask terrible animations and haven't evolved since Doom...
These games only require you walk, run, jump, flip switches, open doors, push buttons and or shoot people. They are for IQ80'S and result in massive oversaturation of the market...
1. I can't wait for the new Call it Duty 87th season and Battleland 27 to drop. Those are seriously the two best PAAGGS/PAHG I've ever played, dude bro. I love playing as a gun in all my games!
2. Did you see the next Resident Evil game is going to be a PAAGG/PAHG? It's totally awesome we get to play as a pair of hands instead of an actual character.
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Someone who is fully invested into something insanely ignorant and or has no original thought of their own.
Twitter is full of IQ80's who like to worship at the altars of their respective Twitter Titan lords...
Anything that Sony releases under the PlayStation brand as they only care about checking social agenda boxes on hot button SJW issues.
1. Man, have you seen all the new SJW content Sony has coming for the Wokestation? They have the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us 2 remastered, the last of us 2 Ps5 edition, the last of us remake and I hear they're going to give us the last of us 3 sometime, too!
2. I love how woke the Wokestation is, it let's me play all my SJW box checking games all in one place! The last of us, Horizon zero dawn, returnal, female ratchet and clank and a host of other box checking games!
Now you're playing with woke power!
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