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Discrimination against superstraight people. This includes using derogatory slurs against superstraight people, invalidating superstraight people, intentionally misgendering someone (not using their preferred pronouns), or intentionally using their birth name if they have another preferred name. NOT the fear of superstraight people.

Superphobic person: Uh yeah so I don't have anything against superstraights or anything but like you're just making a new gender to make fun of the LGBT
Transgender person: Uhhh that's kind of superphobic
Cisgender person: Uh no?? I said I wasn't superphobic. I know what superphobia is, it's the fear of superstraight people, and I'm not afraid of superstraight people, so??? Wow. Really rude. Like no wonder no one likes superstraights. You're really transphobic and homophobic.

by F.G. Fortoo March 7, 2021

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