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Sexual Blackmail

The fear that upon a break-up/divorce the other party will use your sexual fantasies and/or tendencies and divulge them openly to other people or during the course of the divorce process so all things said are maintained in public record. This natural fear of being sexually blackmailed will ultimately keep you from leaving your significant other and you will continue to live your life as a shell of who you are.

Caleb - "I really want to get a divorce but I'm afraid if I do she will tell everyone that I like to dress up as 'The Gimp'. It's fucking sexual blackmail!"

Gabriel - "Yeah man, that sucks......wait you dress up as The Gimp?"

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 August 13, 2016

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A female who is not only rude to a fault but also resides from a region of such revulsion she can only be described as both a skank and a cunt. A Skunt is generally a female who has bleached out hair with at least 4 inches of dark root showing, believes gauchos are always in style, and is never without her Jibbitzed Crocs. This egregiously outfitted female is best known though to be snobby, shitty, and often times a down right cunt.

Rocky - "I met this girl at the bar the other night and she seemed pretty normal. But when we went on a date she turned out to be a total Skunt."

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 June 29, 2015

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Manifesting from the bowels of a being only to be described as the 'King of Thrones', this magnificent structure is often a high mixture of solids, liquids, floaties, and sands. With a stench that is the equivalent to a mixture of milk left in the summer sun and a bloated deer carcass, poopacabra can only be semi-masked with a mixture of sawdust and whiskey. The most notable part of the poopacabra is the inability to eliminate it on a single flush. It will generally require 4 to 5 flushes to get all of the feces forced through the plumbing however an unforgettable shit lining will stay in the toilet like a shadow of remorse.

Adam - "After four straight days of Mexican food and beer the poopacabra was unleashed. It took four flushes and still left a brown streak in the toilet and my roomie thought a murder took place in the shitter."

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 June 6, 2015


A person who vacations in people's lives, takes pictures, puts them in his scrapbook, and moves on. All he's interested in are stories. Basically, their selfish.

Any friend who only seems to appear when they deem in necessary as to keep their social status in high regard but otherwise nowhere to be found. If this describes your friend he is a tourist.

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 June 29, 2015

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Gentleman's Bird Bath

Any Gentleman standing on his tip-toes washing his tallywacker off in the sink after anal sex. Usually performed because the female half will not allow re-entry into her vagina without a thorough scrub.

A.J. - "Everything was going well until she made me take a Gentleman's Bird Bath mid-romp. It killed my Woody Wilson."

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 May 23, 2015

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Friendly Vagina

A term that loose women use to deny their friskiness. The term ''Whore" is deemed to inflammatory for their liking causing them to try and justify the slut level achieved.

Buster - "You sleep with everything. You're a whore."

Dessie - "No, I just have a friendly vagina. Not a whore."

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 April 24, 2015

Golf Throb

Some people have 'heart throbs' but golf enthusiasts have Golf Throbs. A Golf Throb is sought out by those who have great and sometimes scary admiration/infatuation with a single person over their golfing ability. This infatuation can lead to sexual fantasies and instant erections are known to happen when in their Golf Throbs presence.

Bernard after watching Chandler tee off - "Did you see how far he hit that ball? That was 400 yards! Now excuse me while I go tend to my 3-Wood while thinking about my new Golf Throb."

by F.O.S.F.F. 7O01 June 9, 2015