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smart ass

1)a person who makes sure every word they type is spelled correcty so they can diss other ppl online for grammar, spelling and other mistakes

2)a person who corrects other when they make mistakes too but are too proud to admit it so they bag on u

1)Oh My God u idoit its "their" not "thier"

Smart ass: omg u moron ur such a fcuking retard, its pi not pie.
Smart ass#2: well its fucking not fcuking you noob.
Smart ass: shut up im smater than you.
Smart ass#2: smarter not smater.

by F10 for Porn November 9, 2008

40👍 88👎

no life

South Park when Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Eric played world of warcraft.

A big fat no life sitting on their ass doing something online instead of going outside like "U" and "Me"... but mostly "U"

by F10 for Porn November 9, 2008

120👍 95👎