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Acronym for Field Applications Engineer. Pros: you make a lot of money and get to have a nice expense acocunt. Cons: you are the whipping boy for the rest of your Business Unit, you get blamed when deadlines get missed, the marketing guys don't tell you anything or lie to you, your customers might be lying to you too, program management doesn't give a shit what you say despite their miserable existences of making up fake dates with no input from engineering, and all your projects blow up on you at once. Synonomyous with 'firefighter.'

FAE: So what's the new ship date for our customer with the A1 silicon?
Marketing Douchebag A: They're taking B0 silicon, what the hell are you talking about?
Program Management: Oh, we didn't tell the field about the fucked up tapeout for A1. They didn't need to know.
FAE: Did the verification group reproduce the recent blue screen? I just talked to the customer, and they said they didn't. I can do it here in like, five minutes.
Program Management: Oh yea, it hasn't even entered the group yet. You need to stall the customer for about a week until we get some bandwidth.

by FAE in silicon valley October 10, 2006

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