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Adolf Hitler

An incredibly famous and important civil rights leader who lead millions of poor citizens to freedom. He is most well known for his great work in Europe and especially for helping the Jewish people in his creation of dozens of "food" banks.

Wow that Adolf Hitler guy was pretty great.

by FRICKO MODE December 2, 2020

55πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Someone who spends all their time writing biased political definitions on Urban Dictionary because they are a waste of space and have nothing better to do with their life.

Guy 1: AcTuAlLy JoE BiDeN iS tHe THROAT GOAT!!!!?!??!

Guy2: Fucking UrbanDicks again..

by FRICKO MODE February 1, 2022

Pyramid Scheme

Not actually a scheme but an incredible way to make money fast by being involved in a Multi-Level Marketing Business!
You can even be your own boss!
We recruit you and you recruit other people to sell more!
Don't look into it any further!
Our Premium Package starts at 199.99$ a month!
Act fast because this is a limited time offer!
Get involved now!

Guy 1: fuck i love pyramid schemes
Guy 2: ikr! they are like bitcoin and nfts and stocks and bonds and money combined
Guy 1: I am going to invest in my future today!

by FRICKO MODE January 6, 2022


candice dick fit in your mouth

i mean come on really Candice?

by FRICKO MODE January 6, 2022

Can you even vote anymore?

Come on this website is so ass nowadays

guy 1: Can you even vote anymore?
guy 2: eat my ass

by FRICKO MODE January 6, 2022

Tenor Sax

Supposedly a good instrument but is actually god awful and always cracks and squeaks whenever they are supposed to play anything whatsoever in a band. The players will always say that it's the reed or embouchure or some shit but it's actually just them and their sucky-ass instrument.

Guy 1: damn did you hear that tenor sax?
Guy 2: yeah who didn't hear that loud-ass dogshit.
Guy 1: fr fr.

by FRICKO MODE December 2, 2020

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tenor Saxophone

Far shittier than an Alto and you can not convince me otherwise.

Guy 1: I love gay sex with men and my mom getting fucked by my friend!
Guy 2: Are you a Tenor Saxophone player?
Guy 1: Yeah?
Guy 2: is your friend an Alto player?
Guy 1: Yeah and he has a hot ass.
Guy 2 Yeah no shit.

by FRICKO MODE January 6, 2022

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž