A student at the prestigious Benet Academy. Generally characterized by their pompous attitude and white skin. They primarily drive expensive cars and have mommy and daddy pay for everything. More often than not, they will consider themselves high class, only to get taken down a couple pegs by the fists and feet of public school kids. They are of course rich, and "Catholic" (though many of the girls there are looser than a whore on Broadway). Upon seeing a Benetian, do not be frightened (unless you are Black or Jewish, at which point you should strike any Benetian you see because they have without a doubt ridiculed and mocked your culture and race without remorse) simply place some money on the ground and hope they leave you alone. If that does not work, try confusing them by talking about not owning or participating in the following: going to starbucks, sucking corporate dick, owning a cellphone, driving a car that they will inevitably crash into a pond, owning a designer hand bag, or a house with 8 stories and 3 pools.
Public School Student 1: Man that girl is a cunt!
Public School Student 2: But of course! she's a Benetian you fool!
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