When Your In A Argument, or In a Insult Battle (Same thing) if they speak about you or your family just say no u
Person 1 : Go Die in a hole you useless peice of shit
Person 2 : No u
when your depressed it will be cured by memes
If you dont laugh you have no soul
Other Funny Stupid Stuff
Person 1: Wow that guy is so good at Editing!
Me: No me Bitch!
Subscribe to Lazarbeam for Memes!
A fucking stupid game that everyone breaks their controller playing.
Laggy Game
You die of Ligma Like Ninja for Raging too hard
A comeback to literally anything that little kids use to insult others
Me : ur fat bruv
Jerry: we ainât fat!!
Bob: I know, your fat!!
Me: ur as fat as ur mom
Bob + Jerry : Fuck!!