Sakura Haruno is a character from an Anime called Naruto ð. Apparently her name means cherry blossom, which should have been USELESS ASS BITCH ð! I'm not trying to get over raged here, but yes sakura is indeed one of the most useless characters in Naruto. She can sure pack a punch but only hits Naruto, I'm sure if Kushina Uzumaki (aka Naruto's mother) would have still been alive she would have SLAMMED THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND. But then she has the audacity to always call Naruto when she's in trouble. Naruto always being there for Sakura and having liked her, THOUGH SHE LIKES SASUKE (aka emo ass kid that ran away with naruto chasing his ass for 3 to 4 years) IT'S UNBEARABLE.
To phrase up everything I said, sakura haruno is useless, a simp for sasuke, and an ass to naruto.