Source Code


A way to get around the map, as an Imposter and to break friendships in Among Us it's fucking epic.

Cyan: I saw blue venting

Blue: No I didn't
Red: We all know it's Blue

Yellow: I disagree with Red
Lime: Nah it's was totally blue
Blue: WTF guys
Purple: Blue did vent I was with him in electrical.
Blue was the Imposter.

by Faggot man 69 November 1, 2020

3👍 5👎

cheesy toe nuggets

chicken nuggets with cheese and toes. They taste like shit

Sebi "holy shit are those cheesy toe nuggets." me "yah they are, want it first pay me $2000." Sebi "OH SHIT."

by Faggot man 69 December 4, 2019

12👍 1👎

In Electrical

One of the biggest Bullcrap excuses, as an Imposter and a way for people to think your sus as a crewmate in Among Us.


Yellow: In Electrical

Green: Yellow sus
Red: Agree
Blue: Lets vote Yellow
Everyone else: Votes yellow out

Yellow was not the Imposter.

by Faggot man 69 November 2, 2020

37👍 4👎