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<noun> Def. - someone whose stupidity is so encompassingly immense that it can only be expressed on the QUANTUM scale rather than the physical, and the quantity of which has religion (in any form) as its primary means of expression.

Not to be confused with moron, retard, imbecile or cretin, since the quantity of stupidity involved for the religiotard is mathematically greater exponentially {stupid X n n= infinity} and can potentially permeate a large part of the physical universe, rather than only the brains of those nearby.

So you are saying that the universe is ruled by a mysterious invisible sky-being for which we have no proof whatsoever? Are you sure you want to state that you believe that? that breaks all records for stupidity - religiotard alert everybody!!!

by Faith Baiter January 6, 2015

24👍 48👎


<Noun> Def. - A truly monumentally bigoted, nasty and evil individual(s) - whose prejudices and actions are dictated primarily by theist superstitions and beliefs, rather than political or cultural ideology; someone whose religion-based stupidity, lack of capacity for rational thought, critical thinking ability, intelligence, clinical insanity and psychopathology, is all-encompassing and has theist mainstream religion (in any form) and/or violence as its primary means of expression.
Not to be confused with moron, fundamentalist, imbecile or cretin, since the theo-nazi is actually psychopathic and morally evil and strongly desires to harm people physically, intellectually, spiritually and psychologically.

Examples of theo-nazi harm include the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris, the right-to-lifers who bomb abortion clinics, the taliban, jihadis, and others who support them and their actions.

"You believe you have the right to kill me for publishing a cartoon about your superstitious BS? - wow, you really are one f****d-up evil little theo-nazi aren't you?"

by Faith Baiter January 9, 2015

8👍 74👎