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The Derp Crew

A group of Youtubers which come together to create videos

Chilled Chaos/CriousGamers - Very deceptive, and a floozy, plays tons of variety games.
ZeRoyalViking - Chilled's bitch, and science nerd, does some indies to major titles.
GaLmHD/Sondoman - Great at most games like FPS, story driven games, salty at Mario Kart.
tehsmarty/Smarticus - The chilled out derp of the group, also impulse decisions.
TomFawkes - Supreme god at Mario Kart. Good at voice acting, and playthroughs
AphexArcade - Competitive player, he has his shit macro'd, and is also the shortest.

Person 1: Did you see The Derp Crew's new session of Uno!
Person 2: Yeah, it's also ironic that Aphex didn't get any green cards.

by Fakkutian January 21, 2017