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Final Fantasy XIII

So metrosexual.

Final Fantasy XIII - The FF that I'll be GLAD to not play.

Dude 1 : Did you see that awesome new protagonist Lightning? Isn't she hot?

Dude 2 : No, it's fucking cloud with some pink hair and boobs.

Dude 1 : They're reintroducing another black guy! Like Barret! Isn't that cool?

Dude 2 : It would be, if he weren't wearing lime.

Dude 1 : That Snow Villiers is such a badass.

Dude 2 : I didn't know that all you had to do to be a badass was dress like a buccaneer outcast.

Dude 1 : Hope Estheim kinda reminds me of myself.

Dude 2 : Really? You look girly and gay? Do you wear makeup too?

Dude 1 : Who designed these 'awesome' characters?

Dude 2 : Nomura, but if you ask me, I think that they should bring back Amano.

Final Fantasy XIII - The latest downhill.

by Fantasy Gone Downhill January 28, 2010

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