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Cheeto Benito

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States. "Cheeto" here refers to the apparent orange stain all over Trump's skin, and "Benito" is a reference to Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini, whose beliefs and political tactics have been compared to Trump's. Used as a pejorative by Trump's opponents to insult him, by mocking his appearance and demonizing his character.

Cheeto Benito tweeted yesterday that Mexico will not, after all, be paying for the wall.

No US president has lied to the people more than Cheeto Benito.

by Fayest Gaggot March 26, 2019

143👍 8👎


(noun, derogatory)

A portmanteau of "shit" and "bull" (not to be confused with "bullshit"), the term "shibble" is a pejorative against the notoriously aggressive and deadly pit bull dog breed; as these dogs are generally lowly regarded as unsightly, menacing scum, this term essentially reduces them to feces, cleverly replacing "pit" with the rhyming "shit."

Why do shibbles always have to target helpless infants and old ladies on walkers?

Bruh, did you know that in 2019, when canines killed a record of 48 Americans, shibbles contributes to 69% of these deaths? Lookit up on DogsBite.org, bruh. That ain't just plurality, or even majority; that's supermajority.

I swear if I see another shibble wearing one of 'em bogus-ass "SERVICE DOG IN TRAINING" vests in the grocery store, I'mma shoot it.

Bullets ricochet off shibbles' skulls, and pepper spray doesn't work on them, either.

by Fayest Gaggot December 5, 2020

79👍 15👎