Self-righteous or ostentatious insistence that the entire Universe will disintegrate if one does not keep oneself busy. In other words (mime jerking hand up and down) you must-must-MUST do the dishes/feed the cat/write more letters. From the writings of M. Scott Peck.
You've been tiling and re-tiling the kitchen wall for the last year. When's the musturbation going to stop?
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Someone who persists in believing that the American head of state from 2001 to 2009 was God's gift to the world, and won't be weaned off that belief by anything.
Most Bushaholics are Republicans in the States and mercenaries anywhere else.
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Charming Middle American country gentleman who lives with his family in a nice big house/church and preaches hatred of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, liberals, most of America and pretty much most of the planet. For some esoteric reason only his relatives want to stay in the church, and you have to be a member to marry a member, which keeps their straight teeth fluoridated and their fingers on their banjos. Fred has at least one 69 session with Satan every night, and hopes that if he does it well enough long enough he'll get his soul back. Ya gadda have faith.
That's Fred Phelps. No liberals, no gays, not a shred of what the uninformed call basic human decency, just Fred. Yeeeeee-haaay boah!
This is Fred Phelps speaking. Rumours that Saddam Hussein stole away my significant other are totally unfounded.
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Ironic question asked, often jabbing a thumb over the shoulder, when someone who considers him or herself a Grand Pooh Bah has just entered the room. From Irish comic Brendan O'Connor's kitschy pop hymn with the refrain, "Who's in da house? Jesus in da house!"
Who's in da house? Dodi in da house!
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Verb: to interfere with other peoples' property or plans without their knowledge or consent, then pretend that one is not responsible for the same, leaving them with no apparent alternative but to ascribe the latest turn of events to persons or forces unknown. From the name of the house elf first appearing in the second Harry Potter novel.
Jim's mother-in-law has dobbied his drinking glasses again.
I think Mary decided to dobby Neil's car keys.
Ben has dobbied the vases again. They'll probably turn up in the rubbish compactor.
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(As of 2007) current occupant of the Throne of Peter. Talks a fair amount about gays in rather shrill tones. Likes to hide behind other powerful men before coming into the limelight, as he did as the author of many of Karol Wojtyla's bulls. Really has a fabulous wardrobe. Last seen slinking around St. Peter's in a pair of ruby slippers, just like Judy. Has a birth name meaning rat-catcher, good job he got his current post so he can shed that skin and emerge from his chryalis transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Most beloved closet queen on the planet. After all, he may come from the backwoods of Deutschland, but deep down he knows, there's no place like Rome, there's no place like Rome (click click) there's no place like Rome.
Benedict XVI, I've got your number.
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Logo often found on T-shirts in Ireland's largest and southernmost county, particularly in its capital city of the same name (pop. c. 200,000). A subtle sign of "The Rebel" County Cork's coming secession from the rest of the island.
Up with the People's Republic of Cork!
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