Source Code

nigger heaven

The upper deck at a stadium, arena or theater.
It comes from the Jim Crow era when black people were forced to sit in the balcony of a movie house

The blue seats in Madison Square Garden

by FederalQ2b September 21, 2004

416πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž

Grand Ma

A Mercury Grand Marquis. It's what Ford calls it, which is appropriate because most of the people who buy them are old geezers suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and can't drive to save their lives.

Grand Ma.
Forida plates.
Handicaped tag hanging from a mirror.
If it drove any slower, it would be going backwards

by FederalQ2b June 10, 2005

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

pole monkey

A lineman for an electric utility or telephone company

They're either in CWA or IBEW

by FederalQ2b September 28, 2004

33πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Federal Q2 siren, the last mechanical siren made for a moving vehicle. It's almost always used on fire apparatus.
It's loud as hell. R=The next best thing to playing an MP3 of "Move bitch! Get out the way!' on a badass PA system.

"It ain't a fire truck without a siren." Federal Signal slogan

by FederalQ2b May 14, 2005

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

oprah winfrey

The most Amazing African-American woman who ever lived. Not only is she a billionare, she single-handedly turned millions of white soccer moms into her personal slaves. White women follow her like sheep

Oprah Winfrey : "Lissen white people. Buy this book. Ah sez its the best even though the author lies like a rug."
White soccer moms: "Yessum Miz Oprah! We do annyting you say Miz Oprah!"
Oprah: Now pay to attention to mah freend Doctor Phil. He know how to make yew wenches satisfy yo' bucks".
White soccer moms: "Lawdy!, We be hanging on all his words Miz Oprah."

by FederalQ2b February 11, 2006

600πŸ‘ 321πŸ‘Ž

Texas Weiner

A hot dog boiled in oil and served with onions and chili sauce. This is Paterson, NJ's contribution to American cuisine. People outside New Jersey will call this a "Coney Island" or 'chili dog", but they can't raise a candle to the Paterson Texas Weiner.

And yes, that's how we spell it! And if you want to start a big debate in Passaic County, NJ, just tell them that the Hot Grill in Clifton bakes better Texas Weiners than Libby's Lunch in Paterson or Pappy's Diner in Totowa. And you can say that everybody beats the Falls View.

by FederalQ2b April 9, 2005

45πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1) African-American charicter in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" shorts played by Willie Mae Taylor.

2) Zydeco singer-Accordianist Stanley Dural Jr. who fronts the band Buckwheat Zydeco

And you know the battle cry

by FederalQ2b June 4, 2005

130πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž