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The four infamous words mentioned by Infinite the Jackal after getting defeated by Shadow—who proceeded to call him ‘pathetic.’ By saying these words Infinite abandoned his former, weaker self, and embraced his new, edgier, stronger self.

Shadow: Pathetic. Don’t ever show your face around me again.

Infinite: Pathetic? He’s calling me ‘weak?!’ I’m not weak. I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!

by Fedora the Explorer December 31, 2018

16👍 1👎


The Hunter is a zombie from Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. It wears a hoodie over its face like an emo teen and pounces on survivors that run too far ahead or too far behind. Best to have a teammate along to kill it.

Nick: Hunter’s on Coach!

Coach: You hear that? I think there’s a Hunter nearby.

by Fedora the Explorer April 18, 2019