Felix is a master of pigs named who lives with Peppa Pig on the hill. Sheâs the best piggie to ever exists hence the name the Pig Master. She just goes around and tells other piggies what to do. Sheâs amazing and thatâs why sheâs the best piggie. Hereâs the theme song to Peppa Pig which is the place she rules over!!
Iâm Peppa Pig (oinks)
And this is my little brother George
(George oinks x2)
This is Mummy Pig
(Mummy Pig oinks loud)
This is Daddy Pig
(Daddy Pig oinks very loud)
And this is Pig Master
(Felix Pig oinks even louder)
(everyone laughs)
Oh look itâs Felix aka the Master of Pigs.